
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Selling Your Whiplash Insurance Settlement

Are you tired of waiting to get your whiplash insurance settlement? Has your settlement been set up as a structured annuity so that you only receive payments every month or so? If you answer yes to either of these questions you should think about selling your settlement for a lump sum amount. You can be paid immediately for your whiplash settlement.

Many companies are interested in buying your structured whiplash insurance settlement. If you have payments coming in once a month or once every two months or even less, selling your settlement for a lump sum of cash may be the best option for you. The important thing to remember when selling your settlement is to get a good adviser.

When selling your whiplash insurance settlement make sure the person buying it is qualified and offering a good rate. Most of the time a broker or adviser will tell you that they are the best person to buy your settlement. You need to remember that this is just a sales pitch. Shop around for the right adviser and the right price for your whiplash settlement.

The best way to choose an adviser is to look at several advisers at one time. Look at what they claim they can do for you and research whether or not these claims are truthful. Some will be more truthful than others. Just like in any industry there are good advisers and bad advisers. Remember, your whiplash insurance settlement was an award to you that was meant to provide for you and your family's future. Also keep in mind that since your whiplash insurance settlement is a valuable asset you are the one who is in control of it and can decide for yourself whether it is right to sell it or not.

Once you have sold your whiplash insurance it is no longer yours. Be sure that you think about your future goals and talk to people you can trust about this decision. If it is the right decision for you, then find a qualified broker.

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